In the past, intimate health problems affected mostly adult men, but now the situation has changed. Approximately every third young male representative at least once got into an unpleasant situation due to a decrease in potency. The phenomenon is easy to explain, because the number of factors that negatively affect men's health is rapidly increasing.
You can increase potency not only with the help of expensive drugs. Many folk remedies that have a positive effect on the male body are very effective. If used correctly, potency can be increased in just three days.

Reasons for a decrease in potency
Before studying recipes and performing exercises, it is worth determining the cause of the problem. If its appearance was caused by negative factors that can really be eliminated, it is possible to achieve good results in treatment by limiting the influence of provocateurs of potency reduction. Men's health is adversely affected by:
- alcoholic beverages;
- cigarettes;
- drugs;
- polluted atmosphere;
- extremely heavy physical activity;
- non-observance of sleep;
- improper diet;
- mental disorders (depression, etc. ).
Important:Also, the potency is badly affected by diseases, and we are not talking only about diseases of the reproductive system, but also about disorders of the functioning of other organs. This negative factor can be eliminated only after consultation with a specialist who will prescribe the correct treatment.
Does diet play a role?
Yes, and very important. There are a number of products that have an extremely positive effect on the male genitourinary system:
- Sea food. Sea fish, scallops and mussels have a beneficial effect on potency. But oysters are a particularly powerful aphrodisiac. It is recommended to eat them raw.
- nuts. Walnuts, almonds and common peanuts will also be useful. Their advantage is in the content of vitamins B and E.
- Parsley. It not only improves sexual function, but also tones the whole body. It is recommended to consume it raw, adding it to "fresh" salads.
- Carrots. One glass of fresh carrot juice a day is extremely beneficial for sexual function.
- Onions and garlic. They affect not only male strength, but also the immune system. Add them to your usual first and second courses.
- Chicken eggs. They are useful in every way. Scrambled eggs with onions are an excellent stimulant of sexual function.
- tomato. Tomatoes improve the work of male gonads. The best way to consume them in this case is baking or frying.
If you want to increase potency in three days, it is recommended to rely on all the listed products. But that doesn't mean you have to give up other foods. The diet must be balanced. Make sure it contains protein, fat and carbohydrates.
Attention:if you rarely consume or have never tried any product from the list, it is recommended that you gradually get used to it. Unfamiliar foods often cause indigestion, and foods that are new to the body can cause allergies.
If you want to increase potency in three days, you must follow a diet. Strict diets are not acceptable, but you should not overeat either. Eat four meals a day (breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner). Snack on fruit or vegetables.
Recipes of folk remedies
Folk remedies are "heavy artillery" in the fight to increase potency. Many plants and foods are powerful stimulants of male sexual function. The use of these folk remedies favorably affects the intimate health of male representatives:
- Hop cones. Take a large spoonful of dried hop cones and mix with a full glass of boiling water. Infuse for forty minutes. Then strain and divide the infusion into two halves. Consume before breakfast and after dinner.
- Ginger with honey and walnuts. Chop the walnuts. Combine them with dry ginger and natural honey in equal amounts. Received to eat before breakfast, lunch and dinner one large spoon each.
- Ginseng root decoction. Pour a glass of carrot juice into a container and add fifty grams of crushed ginseng root. Bring the mixture to a boil. Drink received during the day.
- boiled turnips. Take a small turnip, cut it into cubes and cook it in high fat milk. It is preferable to eat before going to bed.
- Nettle decoction. Pour one hundred grams of nettle leaves into a pot with half a liter of water. Cook for eight minutes. Divide the decoction into two parts and drink it for lunch and in the evening.
- calamus root. The tool should be used in the form of chewing gum. Chew calamus root for a few minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner.
There are recipes for folk remedies that work locally:
- mustard plasters. In order for the blood flow from the legs to the genitals to be strong, it is necessary to warm the feet. You can not only use store-bought mustard plasters, but you can also make them at home. Mix dry mustard with starch (about five large spoons of each ingredient). Add hot water to make the mixture thick. Cut four tissue paper rectangles that are slightly longer and wider than the feet. Spread the mixture on the first two rectangles, and place the second pair on top of them. Wrap the resulting mustard plasters in gauze and apply them for fifteen minutes once a day before going to bed.
- Honey wraps.Heat the liquid honey in the microwave until warm but not scalding. Wrap it in gauze and apply it to the base of the penis. The compress should be kept for fifteen minutes once a day.
Attention:if unpleasant symptoms appear after using any medicine (skin rash, gastrointestinal tract disorders, deterioration of well-being), stop taking it.
Physical education and massage
To get the most positive result, you need to influence the body not only from the inside, but also from the outside. Accordingly, massage will be a useful measure to take.
It is not only about the massage of the external genital organs, but also about the effect on the whole body or on bioactive points. In the first case, you can perform the procedure yourself, and in the second case, a visit to a professional masseur is recommended.
Important:Prostate massage can improve sexual function. It is recommended to carry out the procedure in a specialist's office.
To increase the potency, you must do the massage yourself in this way:
- With one hand, gently massage the penis from the base to the glans.
- Remember the head of the penis.
- Gently squeeze the scrotum five times.
- Press the fingertips of both hands on the penis, starting from the head.
Massage for ten minutes in the morning and in the evening.
Standard physical exercises also help to increase potency. Consider the table showing optimal physical activity:
Day | Exercises |
one | 20 squats, tension and relaxation of muscles in the pelvic area |
2 | 35 squats, swimming in the pool, 20 pelvic lifts in a supine position with bent legs |
3 | 40 pelvic lifts in the supine position with bent legs, swimming in the pool |
Follow these simple rules to avoid sexual problems:
- Avoid alcohol, cigarettes and drugs. The toxins contained in them dramatically reduce the effectiveness of treatment and worsen the situation. It is necessary to refrain from bad habits even after the treatment.
- Avoid stressful situations. Specialists register psychological impotence more and more often. If you cannot harmonize the inner world on your own, consult a psychologist.
- Set a daily routine. Sleep at least seven hours, but not more than nine. Try to fall asleep and wake up around the same time.
- Do not overload the body physically, but do not refuse useful exercises. Going to the gym, jogging, morning exercise are effective ways to prevent a decrease in potency.
Attention:do not forget about the general strengthening of the body. Eat vitamin complexes, temper and give up unhealthy food.